Disease apps for clinics

Access the Apps today and get 25 FREE credits
The challenge

Despite advances in retinal imaging technology, patient disease activity can be missed in vision-threatening conditions. This oversight in everyday practice has the potential for undertreatment in patients. In addition, treatment delays further impact vision, worsening outcomes. Delays are in part due to a lack of awareness and urgency from the patient.

The Solution: RetinAI's Disease Apps for Disease Management

RetinAI’s Disease Evaluation Apps are accessed via Heidelberg AppWay. AppWay is a secure data transfer portal integrated in Heidelberg’s HEYEX 2. The Disease Apps provide expert-level analysis of a patient’s OCT volumes. Results, generated in PDF format during the patient’s visit, are designed to complement the evaluation and management of retinal diseases. The results can be used to better understand disease and status of biomarkers, and can provide valuable education and visualization of disease and biomarkers, empowering patients to be engaged in their disease management.

Curious to see what our detailed reports look like?
Get a glimpse by cliking on one of the following sample reports

RetinAI’s Disease Evaluation Apps powered by Certified* AI Models:

RetinAI’s Disease Evaluation Apps are made up of a set of CE-Marked AI models that are approved for clinical use.

These models were developed from real world evidence across multiple retinal diseases comparing the models’ performance to that of expert graders, resulting in similar performance achieved.

These models were designed to provide valuable insights for patient management.
*RetinAI’s fluid, layer and macula biomarkers models are CE-marked in the European Union, and approved for clinical use. Use of these models outside the EU, and other models deemed as research use only (RUO), requires users to obtain approvals to use them for human factors research or clinical evaluation.''
Curious to see what these reports look like?


Identifies and quantifies the volume of pathological fluid such as intraretinal fluid (IRF), subretinal fluid (SRF) and pigment epithelium detachment (PED).


Measures total retinal & layer thickness for the following layers:

Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL; Ganglion Cell Layer (GCL) + Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL); Inner Nuclear Layer (INL) + Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL); Outer Nuclear Layer (ONL); Photoreceptor (PR) + Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE; and Choriocapillaris (CC) + Choroidal Stroma (CS).


Provides probability of presence/absence of specific retinal biomarkers at a B-scan level in OCT volumes:

Fluids (SRF, IRF and Fibrous PED), Hyper reflective Foci (HF), Drusen, Reticular Pseudodrusen (RPD), Epiretinal Membrane (EPM), Geographic Atrophy (GA) and Outer Retinal Atrophy (ORA).

Geographic Atrophy (GA) model

Provides segmentation of GA from OCT scans & simulation of atrophy progression based on visit data. Research Use Only Apps for Geographic Atrophy.

GA segmentation on Bscan, en-face GA segmentation in Localiser image, en-face laver information for PR+RR and CS+CC, affected GA area calculation, progression prediction

RetinAI’s Disease Evaluation Apps on Heidelberg AppWay

A retinal disease is generally heterogenous in its presentation across eyes, across patients and across treatments.
As a result, to comprehensively understand a patient’s disease, it’s important to monitor relevant endpoints and biomarkers to obtain a full picture of the patient’s imaging data. RetinAI’s Disease Evaluation Apps provide the ability to quickly quantify relevant biomarkers to monitor changes across commonly managed diseases in Retina.

Discover our Apps on Heidelberg AppWay, pricing based on usage level
With a subscription, you get access to all available RetinAI apps (nAMD, dAMD, DR/DME, CME, GA).
By subscribing, you can safeguard your credits, which will only be utilized when you actively use the application.
Number of Credits*
Price per Credits in €
Total Price in €
*Reports come at 1 credit for nAMD, dAMD, DR/DME, CME reports and at 3 credits per GA report.
Get access to all Disease Evaluation Apps (dryAMD, nAMD, DR/DME, CME, GA)
& choose your plan based on your usage
The disease evaluation apps via AppWay, are meant to provide insights during a patient's visit.
If you are interested in batch data analysis using AI, read more about Discovery for Clinics®
RetinAI’s Apps on AppWay
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Want to use RetinAI's Apps on other devices?

Contact us at info@retinai.com to learn about other ways for accessing RetinAI’s Disease Evaluation Apps for your clinic.


RetinAI Discovery is a CE-marked medical device according to the Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745
and the AI models are CE-marked devices according to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC
RetinAI Discovery® is a 510(k) FDA Cleared medical device in US.
RetinAI Discovery® and Retinai® are both trademarks of RetinAI Medical AG.

The AI modules for biomarkers, fluid and layer segmentation and quantification
in retinal pathologies are for research use only in the USA.
The Advanced Segmentation and GA modules are for research use only.
Please be advised these tools are not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
We do not warrant any reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any content.